I had a good sleep in this morning, getting out of bed around 8.30am which is rather late for me. Mami only just beat me, she arose from her slumbers at 8.00am. I think it was all the late night activity that tired me out, no not that activity!! Keep it clean!!
Since we arrived back in Shunan I’ve given both Yoshi and Youko back and shoulder massages. I even did Youko’s calves once on request. Yoshi said I was a very good masseur and should do it professionally. I didn’t go into the minor details like qualification certificates, I am absolutely stuffed after massaging two people, and it’s not a career I would want to pursue.
This time, however, I offered Yoshi a massage as he looked weary. As soon as the offer came, Yoshi was laying down ready for me to start and Youko said she would have her turn after Yoshi.
After a 20 minute massage for both of them, I was the one in need of a massage. It was hard work. Yoshi on the other hand went to sleep on the mat again and Youko headed off to have a bath.
I was well and truly ready for bed I can tell you, so that’s exactly what I did. As we had already uploaded yesterday’s blog, I couldn’t have included the massage episode and I was too tired to write about it, so that’s why it’s in today’s blog. I do like the photo of the two happy recipients after their massage.
The long walk started when Mami said she wanted to walk to Sun Live as she was in dire need of a donut or 2 or 3 or …. from Mister Donut. Anyway I said we could do that, however as Mister Donut makes coffee that tastes like its been filtered through someone’s undies, we will then make our way to You Me Town where Hamamoto can provide a coffee that is far superior to the swill at Mr Donut. Perhaps he’s called Mister Donut because that’s his coffee score out of ten, donuts!!
So that’s what we did. It took us 40 minutes to get to Sun Live. We could have done it in 30 minutes, but me being a train nerd, I wanted to wait until a Densha passed under the bridge we were standing on. Sick of waiting, Mami looked up the train schedule and said the train wasn’t due to pass us for another 15 minutes. As always, Mami knows best so we pressed on.
After the donuts were purchased and two were eaten, we had a quick browse around some of the shops and then started to walk to You Me Town. Along the way a Seria Shop delayed us, as even if you don’t buy something, it is such an interesting shop with so many little knick knacks, you get sucked in. So we spent 15 minutes there before moving on. And yes we did buy some things, but they were necessities.
As we have walked we have taken pictures along the way. Everything from train lines for shinkansen and densha, to quirky things in Seria and gardens we spotted in peoples front yards as we walked past. So I hope you like those shots we took, I particularly like the gardens. So well kept and meticulously trimmed and shaped.
I am now writing this in Hamamoto after our 30 minute walk from Sun Live. I’ve nearly reached 8000 steps, so I’m happy. However we are going to catch the bus home from You Me Town as Mami is tired.
As I just wrote that last sentence, I’m 99% sure this is the first time in over 20 years of visiting Shunan,, that I will be riding on a local bus. Amazing!! Another first!! Something to write about when I get home.
We arrived home after the bus dropped us off, leaving us just a short walk from home. The bus ride was smooth, right on time and my Pasmo card had enough money for me to pay for my fare. Bonus!
Pasmo is like Myki and gets you on buses and densha trains. But unlike Myki, Pasmo works in all 47 prefectures throughout Japan!! With 130 million people and 47 prefectures Japan can create and competently handle a national card, whereas Australia, with just 6 states, 2 territories and 26 million people can’t organise a national public transport card. Not good enough!!
Shinkansen is the only transport that does not use Pasmo. However, you can travel from the southernmost tip of Kyushu up through Honshu to the last northernmost station in Hokkaido.
As I write this, I have just suggested we do this to Mami. She is keen on the idea and is now saying we should do crowd funding and make it a visual documentary. Sounds a bit over the top, but I am definitely going to look into this, it sounds like a Densha otaku’s dream come true.