As the heading suggests, today was not exactly exciting. I, unfortunately, have not recovered from my cold. My coughing and nose blowing has forced Mami to sleep in a different room and I don’t blame her.
So this morning, still with all symptoms alive and well, we made the decision that I had to see a doctor, for the peace of mind of the Edamatsu family. Youko has had COVID and recovered well, but Yoshi has not yet experienced the joys of having COVID and does not want that to change. Hence my visit to the doctor, which Mami has organised for this morning.
The doctor’s practice is within walking distance from home, which Mami did not tell me, as she was informed we would need to wait in the car before seeing the doctor in case of COVID or Influenza. We parked in the car park opposite the surgery and went over to let them know we had arrived.
Like most things in Japan, the surgery was small, and the smallest room was the waiting room. So to stop the spread of COVID or Flu, we waited in the carpark. Mami filled in the form regarding any medication I am taking, my fitness, any allergies, symptoms and what my temperature was. Form done we waited, and waited and then the nurse tapped on the car window, took the form from Mami and told us she would be back soon to give me a COVID test, and almost ran back across the road to the surgery.
Not long after she returned and I did the trip across the road to the surgery and she expertly stuck the cotton bud stick up my nostrils. Then it was back to the car to await the results. The doctor also appeared and checked my lungs with his stethoscope and told me my lungs seemed good.
We returned to the car and waited …. again. I was sick of sitting in the car and started walking around the carpark. After I’d done 1100 steps, the nurse returned, crossed the road again and told me I had neither COVID or Flu. Yattaaaaa! (hooray)
She said the doctor would give me some medicine to clear up the congestion on my lungs and unblock my nostrils. Great! Except we watched her run back to the surgery and we went back to waiting in the car.
Five minutes later the nurse crossed ……… you know the story. Anyway she gave me the medication, which consisted of 3 pills, 3 times a day. We thanked her and drove back home.
The nurses at that surgery must have the fitness of the Ekiden runners, with all that running between the surgery and the car park.
The good news is after 2 doses of my medication I am feeling better and no longer the pariah I might have become in the Edamatsu residence.